Reflections on my slicing history #sol20

I have been slicing for several years and it’s been an important part of the development of a regular writing routine. Being a slicer helped me realize that I have a voice and that my words are important. I’ll never forget hitting the “Publish” button for the first time and the incredible feeling of accomplishment. I remember the first comments that I received on my blog and how amazing it felt to read those kind words.

I’m not participating as a full-time slicer this year and that was a hard decision to make. I’ve participated in the March challenge for several years, but didn’t sign up this year and that was an incredibly difficult decision because I love this community of teacher-writers. However, I’m working on a writing project that is taking a lot of time, thought, and effort and I don’t think that I can juggle both. It’s really important to me that I complete my current project and I didn’t want to break the momentum. So, I’ll continue to slice on Tuesdays, as I have been weekly for several years. But, as I scroll through the links on the Two Writing Teachers site, I do feel a pang that I won’t be among the daily writers. At least, though, I can stay connected to the community through reading and commenting, so that certainly helps! I can’t wait to read all of the amazing stories that will be told this month1

5 thoughts on “Reflections on my slicing history #sol20

  1. rdicarne

    I love this community as well. I was hesitant about being a daily slicer this year for a variety of reasons, but I am going to give it my best shot. Glad you are still a Tuesday slicer. You have to make priorities, and sometimes that includes making saying “Not this time.”


  2. paulabourque

    Slicing, sharing, and commenting when you can is still a challenge. So often we are tough on ourselves for what we don’t do and forget to celebrate what we are able to do. You still have a voice and your words are important-no less so because it isn’t every day! This community is for all of us!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Darin Johnston

    So you’ll be in and out, you’ll still be writing (and commenting) here, and get your other projects done! It sounds like a win-win idea to me! I’m always happy to see you’ve written or commented, so don’t lament too much. You’ll get here as you can, and we’ll appreciate you all the more! 🙂



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