Do you have a green thumb? #sol19


I started teaching an online class and during the first week, students were invited to introduce themselves and to share a bit about themselves.  I loved reading about each of my students and getting to know them as we started working together.  One student mentioned that she enjoyed gardening with her children.  As I read her post, I thought about my history with plants…and it’s not good.  I do not have a green thumb.  I have never had a green thumb.  I can’t count how many plants I’ve killed—not intentionally, of course.  I just seem to forget about any plants entrusted to my care.  One year, a colleague gave me a plant, which I placed carefully on my desk.  The problem? I don’t use my desk very often and didn’t notice the plant.  It gamely held on for a while before finally succumbing to my neglect.  I felt so guilty when I finally remembered that plant on the far corner of my desk! What is sad is that my grandmother could grow anything.  Her garden was amazing and she spent countless hours tending it.  I, however, did not receive this gardening gene.  My Mom, who has an incredible gift for flower arranging, provided a perfect solution.  She now creates beautiful arrangements for me made from silk flowers.  I don’t have to remember to water them, I don’t inadvertently kill them from a lack of attention, and the arrangements are special because Mom created them.  So, at least something positive has come from my lack of a green thumb because now I have beautiful arrangements made by someone very special to me!