Choosing a book #sol19


Today, I presented a group of students with a stack of books.  We’d been exploring character development and they were to choose a book to read before writing about how the main character evolved during the course of the story.  I tried to provide a wide variety of books that I thought would appeal to the kids in the group.

J picked up two books and I could tell that he was really weighing his options.  Either book would have been great choices, but he seemed torn.  He flipped through each book and looked at the front and back covers.  He glanced at the stack of books, but none of them seemed to attract his attention like the two that he already held.  Finally, he looked up at me and said, “I just don’t know what to choose.  If I pick one, then the other is not going to feel wanted.”

Honestly, it took me a minute to comprehend his words.  Thankfully, he continued to talk about how it was hard to choose between the two books.  I agreed with him, but assured him that he’d also have the opportunity to read both books.  He seemed reassured, chose a book, and was soon leaned back in his chair with his knees up against the table, reading happily.

14 thoughts on “Choosing a book #sol19

  1. mshubb1104

    I appreciate that this student felt bad about choosing one book over another. I haven’t thought in this way before but am now realizing some of the books in my stack may feel lonely from my lack of reading them lately. Thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wondering and Wandering

    That is priceless! When he said “If I pick one, then the other is not going to feel wanted,” it made me think of Marie Kondo, the Japanese tidying up woman. Have you read her books or watched her show on Netflix? Her advice for sorting through books is to touch them all to wake them up and then hold them in your hands, one by one, to see if they spark joy. If they don’t you thank them and then let them go. How respectful, just as your student was. 🙂


  3. Darin Johnston

    I love that idea that if I choose one book, it might make the other feel better. I love even more, the fact you let him know he could read both books. That’s what makes the difference, letting students know they can read “them both”, and allowing time for such reading! 🙂 Thank you for sharing this slice with us!

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  4. Stacey Shubitz

    I adore having the opportunity to listen-in to classroom conversations. J’s comment is priceless.

    I was wondering… may I share this SOL as one of the “Be Inspired” pieces in March? If that would be okay with you, please email me back with the permalink to this post in the next couple of days. (I know you have my email address so I won’t leave it here.)


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  6. mrssurridge

    You are obviously doing something right in inspiring your students to read. Every time I finish one book I hear the other four on my nightstand yelling at me: Choose ME!! Choose ME! The struggle is real.



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