“Dear Fitbit” #sol16


On Sunday, the Teachers Write prompt from Erica Perl encouraged participants to write a letter to an inanimate object or to a concept (click here to access the blog post with the writing prompt).  At first, I thought that I would write a letter to my dissertation.  I even opened a new page and was ready to start a post when my phone buzzed with an e-mail to remind me that my Fitbit battery was low.  I’ve had a Fitbit for a few months, but I haven’t prioritized exercise like I should.  Something clicked when I read that e-mail and I decided that I’d write my letter to my Fitbit.

Dear Fitbit,

I’ve worn you now for a few months, but I’m not really sure why I continue to keep you on my wrist.  The number of steps that I’m logging each day is pretty laughable since I’ve been spending so many hours in front of my computer.  Most of my steps have been between the refrigerator and my desk.  While I’ve made many trips to the fridge over the past few weeks, it’s only about twenty or thirty steps one way.  I know that you’re probably pretty irritated with my lack of movement and I promise that once I’ve finished this dissertation, I will prioritize giving you something to count.

I do like your feature that tells me about my sleep patterns.  However, I look forward to the day when you tell me that I went to sleep before midnight instead of two o’clock in the morning.  I also like keeping a record of my heart rate.  However, I wish you didn’t tell me the number of calories I’ve burned, so I’d be okay if you’d skip recording that at least for the next few weeks.  How about discontinuing that feature until school starts?

Anyway, I want to apologize for not putting you to good use.  We’ll plan to work on rectifying this situation soon!



2 thoughts on ““Dear Fitbit” #sol16

  1. jhaworthoy

    This made me smile! I wear a Fitbit, too. My husband wears my hand-me-down Fitbit when he bought me the model I wished I had gotten the first time. He swore he would not be obsessed with it, but I have noticed he checks to see he gets his 10,000 steps in. I, too, like the features of sleep pattern and hear rate. Your Fitbit will just have to be patient for you to finish your dissertation.


  2. stefaniecole

    Hi Jen,

    I don’t have a fitbit, but I just downloaded a pedometer to my phone! It is addicting and disappointing. You have to work to keep those numbers up, especially with a dissertation. Dang priorities!

    One day you’ll move more, but look what you’ll have accomplished! I’m not sure how you do it!



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