Currently #sol16


Several other slicers have recently used this format, which is a favorite of mine.  I haven’t done a post like this in a while, so I thought this would be perfect for this Sunday afternoon.  I added a couple of items to my list. To see an example of a “Currently” slice, you can check out 


Listening…to the hum of the HVAC system at school, the ticking of the clock on my classroom wall, and the clicking of my computer keys.  Sometimes the clicking is fast, but more often than not, it’s painfully slow.

Eating…nothing right now, although the chocolate in my desk drawer is calling my name!

Drinking…iced tea, but I’m being good today and not drinking sweet tea:)

Wearing…an old, ratty pair of jeans, a sweater, and comfy shoes.

Sitting…in my office chair at my horseshoe-shaped table with all of my books and articles and notes spread out on the table.

Reading…when I have a few minutes, I’m reading a book about the First Ladies based on the C-SPAN programs.  If I didn’t become a teacher, I might have gone to graduate school for history.

Writing…I’m supposed to be working on a chapter of my dissertation that has been challenging, but instead, I started this post.

Feeling…a bit stressed because I haven’t devoted a lot of attention to my dissertation in the past couple of days and deadlines are looming.  That’s why I’m working here at school today.  Hopefully, I’ll get this thorny little chapter finished by this evening.

Wanting…chocolate and to get this chapter finished.

Needing…to get this chapter finished.

Thinking…about each word I write and trying to make each one better.

Dreaming…about the day when this dissertation is finished…and chocolate!

Missing…hanging out with my colleagues from the VSRA conference.  Not only did I enjoy spending time with my SVRC friends at the conference, but I also met so many new friends.  I got to meet Twitter friends face-to-face for the first time, too!

Enjoying…a quiet place to work on a Sunday afternoon.


6 thoughts on “Currently #sol16

  1. Amanda Regan

    What a wonderful glimpse into your Sunday afternoon! I may have to try the “Currently” format one of these days. Good luck with your dissertation!



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