Easter Basket #sol24

You’re never too old for an Easter basket! We had breakfast at Mom’s house on Easter and she had a basket waiting for us with all of our favorite treats. Reese’s peanut butter cups, mini Nestle chocolate bars, a white chocolate rabbit, and Mom’s homemade sugar cookies were just a few of the treats. She also included a few packages of Mike’s favorite hot fries and popcorn for me. We’re definitely set for snacks for a while! However, I know that I am now fully an adult when I was super excited about the actual basket and what I could use it for!

4 thoughts on “Easter Basket #sol24

  1. Sarah Valter

    I miss getting an Easter basket! My mom kept it up until my kids came along (but she still slips me some Easter Junior Mints every year anyway). Sounds like you have some yummy snacking ahead!


  2. natashadomina

    I love your last line! How true! And I love the combination of that with the getting an Easter basket from your mom still–it’s such a realistic part of life that we can both be an adult and someone’s daughter both.


  3. Denise Krebs

    SO cute! I love that you got an Easter basket. I’m going to have to do that for my grown kids next year! I haven’t done that for a long time. Nice!



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