Remembering A Day In P.E. #sol23

Our P.E. teacher was out sick today and we couldn’t find a substitute teacher. That announcement this morning took me back in time about 25 years ago when I was subbing after the end of my student teaching. One of my very first assignments was in P.E. at a local school. Now, P.E.was never one of my favorite classes, so it was kind of funny that I’d be the teacher in P.E. I did like the idea of getting to wear more comfortable clothes, though.

However, even being able to wear comfortable clothes was not enough. That was one of the longest days I think I’ve ever experienced. I don’t know how many kids had to go to the office that day for minor injuries. I’m sure the school secretary was tired of seeing kids from my class. I was exhausted, too! While I now work with a variety of grades from K-5, it’s different having only a small number of kids versus a whole class.

While I subbed in other classrooms at that school, from Kindergarten to fifth grade, I don’t think that I ever subbed in P.E. again. But the memory from that one day stayed with me!

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