Author Visits and Teacher Writers #sol19


On Thursday, I wrote about Ginjer Clarke’s visit to my school.  During the visit, I scribbled a note in my notebook about how author visits are not only good for students, but for teacher-writers, too.  This idea has marinated over the past two days and I think that it reflects another reason why it’s important to invite authors into our schools and classrooms.  As a teacher-writer, I was inspired by Ginjer’s presentations and throughout the day, I added ideas to my notebook.  I made sure that I had my notebook handy during each session and wrote along with the kids as she guided them through workshop activities.  There were times when my pen couldn’t move fast enough as I scribbled across the page.  Ideas seemed to flow out of my pen and I couldn’t wait to sit down and flesh out these ideas.  I started to develop my spring break writing plans.  So, although we know that author visits are powerful for students, they also are powerful for teachers who write!

6 thoughts on “Author Visits and Teacher Writers #sol19

  1. Grace Hilsmier (@GraceHilsmier)

    That is wonderful that you had that opportunity! A good reminder that we as teachers don’t know all the answers either. We still have so much to learn. I’m sure the kids got a lot out of it, too! I vividly remember my school’s one and only author visit: Patricia Polacco when I was only eight years old. I hope this experience sticks with your students forever, too.


  2. TammyB

    How exciting! I love that you have all kinds of notes and musings for your writing. I hope we get to hear more about what you wrote in the notebook and how it finds its way into stories! DO you write short stories or working on a novel? I want to hear more!


  3. Tracy Vogelgesang

    I love this, Jen. My school used to invite authors each year, but due to budget costs, we have not had a visiting author in some time. When Lester Laminak visited, he also conducted a teacher workshop after school. I miss those days. I am glad your school provides this opportunity!


  4. Erin Vogler

    Our school’s visiting author day is coming soon and I can’t wait! I love to sit in the back of the auditorium with my notebook and soak in all the wisdom and inspiration I can. Your slice reminded me that those visits feed me as much as they do our kids!



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