Patience…the Kindle is charging #sol18


I love my Kindle.  I love having so many books at my fingertips.  I love being able to reread a book whenever I want instead of having to dig through bookshelves and totes.  I love the size and portability of my Kindle.  What I don’t like, though, is when the battery dies and I have to wait for my Kindle to recharge.  Patience is not one of my virtues, especially when it comes to reading.  I thought about reading on my phone, but it didn’t have much charge left either.  So I started writing this post while catching up on last night’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy.  Now I just have to decide what to do after I finish watching Grey’s Anatomy.  I’ll probably pull one of the PD books in my TBR stack since I’ve given myself a lot of time this week to catch up on my recreational reading.  Hmm. that sounds like a plan! Now, which one to choose?

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