Currently…with a twist #sol18


I’m relying on a favorite prompt today, but with a twist.  As I wrote this, I thought about what a “Currently” post would usually look like on a Tuesday afternoon as compared to what I’m actually doing.  Normally, at this time of the day,I would be in the process of finishing up with a group of second graders.  So, I drafted two responses, one that describes what I am actually doing, as well as a response that describes what I would be doing at school.

Currently, I am…

listening to…a classical station with my Sirius XM streaming radio.  I love to listen to classical music when I’m working on something that requires focused attention.

watching…the cursor blink as I think of words to write.

drinking…water.  I’m trying to work on my sweet tea habit, which has been a challenge!

eating…nothing right now, but thinking about the jar of M&Ms in the kitchen.  Where is my willpower?

needing to…go downstairs and walk on the treadmill.

thinking about…that jar of M&Ms and sweet tea:)

wanting to…get back onto a regular routine.  Due to the weather, we haven’t been in school since Thursday and before that, we had three days with late starts.  I’m ready to get back to a normal schedule!

feeling like…I haven’t accomplished much during the past few days.

Currently, I should be…

listening to… chairs being pushed up against the table.

watching…my second graders line up at the door.

drinking…a sip of water in between groups.

eating…nothing, but thinking about what’s left in my snack drawer.

needing to…make a few notes about the second grade group.

thinking about…the next student I’ll see.

wanting to…make sure that I do my absolute best everyday!

feeling like…it has been a productive day!

14 thoughts on “Currently…with a twist #sol18

  1. Judson RISE professor

    This is a really cool idea for a post. I’m hoping you are able to get back to your cozy classroom soon. I have that…I have to exercise, but drawn to the candy habit myself. I’m glad that you always want to the be best for your students. xo

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  2. theapplesinmyorchard

    Love this style! I will have to try it! My Tuesday has been a little weird too! However, despite am temps up to -14, we have not had any late starts or snow days! I am sure my two teens, who have been “back at it” since 1/2 would have really liked a couple of those types of days…..but is sure does get you off schedule when it happens! Hope normality returns soon!

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    1. wahooteacher Post author

      Wow! The thought of -14 degrees is giving me goosebumps! After frigid temps and ice, were going to be approaching 60 degrees in the next couple of days. I’m so looking forward to getting back to normal!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. mbhmaine

    Between crazy wind storms, big snow storms and holidays, we’ve only had a couple of 5-day weeks since November. On snow days I often find myself looking at the clock and thinking what I would be doing if I were at school. I’ve never thought to write about that though. Great twist!

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  4. Pingback: Currently, I’m……..sol#18 – The Apples in My Orchard

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