“There’s a tornado watch, but it will be okay.” #sol17


Wednesday’s weather led to an early school closing.  I have afternoon duty, so I was standing at the front door as we loaded the buses.  As two of the younger children walked to their bus, they were chatting about leaving school two hours early.  One of the children matter-of-factly stated, “There’s a tornado watch, but it will be okay.”  Then both children hopped up the steps of their school bus, ready to head home.

I thought about that one simple statement.  “There’s a tornado watch, but it will be okay.” Obviously this child had listened to the weather forecasts over the past twenty-four hours and was aware of the potential for some pretty nasty weather.  However, this child did not seem frightened or upset and was able to reassure a friend who might not have been as comfortable with the weather situation.  I love seeing these moments outside of the classroom because I always learn something new about the children.  Now when I see this one particular child, I’ll always think of how she comforted a friend.


11 thoughts on ““There’s a tornado watch, but it will be okay.” #sol17

  1. wordjourneysite

    Wow! Tornadoes are not a part of our world here in DC and I am in awe of them (i.e. terrified). Your student’s comment to a friend would have given me great comfort.
    I like how you “captured” dialogue – something I need to work on in my own writing.

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  2. Leigh Anne

    Those storms hit us Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning. I wish I had that student’s bravery and positive outlook – I am petrified of wind! We had tornadoes hit south of us, and it is so much scarier at night!

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