The Colors Of My Day #sol23

The Colors of My Day

Silver Strand…the color of the walls in my “office” at the new house. While we haven’t completely moved yet (counting down until Friday!), I had to do some work this evening and my printer and other things have already been set up. I love the color that we chose as it’s so relaxing!

Brown and white…the color of the sweet dog in the pickup line! He seemed happy to see his person!

Purple…the color of the cough medicine that I’ve been relying on for days now.

White…the color of the envelope that I left on my desk (but needed to have mailed today).

Blue and orange…the color of the hummingbird feeder that I placed at the new house. I hope the hummingbirds are UVa fans!

Golden…the color of the macaroni and cheese that Mom made us for dinner. Since we’ve been working on the house (and it’s close to her house), we’ve eaten many dinners at her table. Tonight we had meatloaf, macaroni and cheese, green beans, and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Yum!

2 thoughts on “The Colors Of My Day #sol23

  1. Denise Krebs

    Oh, dinner sounds delicious! I love the sweet details of your day told through the colors. I hope you feel better soon, and can get rid of that purple!

    What a wonderful format for a post. I’m going to make a not of it. The Colors of My Day. I’ll have to think about what my colors would show.



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