Mask Poem-Musings From My Purse


I recently discovered the website for Laura Purdie Salas and I’ve been exploring and experimenting with more poetry after making this discovery.  If you haven’t visited Laura’s site, I encourage you to check it out.  I was a little hesitant to write poetry, but other slicers, such as Christie Wyman, have inspired me to embrace my inner poet.

Today’s poem was based on a page about mask poems at and I can definitely see using this with students.

Musings Of A Purse

You drop me, knock me around, and load me down with too much stuff.

Do you really need all of this?

I understand that you need a wallet and that device that tests your blood sugar. 

I understand that you need your glasses in case your contact lenses get wonky.

I understand that you want to keep your bullet journal close.

However, do you really need twenty different pens?

And when is the last time you took out all of those receipts and organized them?

I’m stuffed with these strips of paper and let me tell you, those CVS receipts are something else!

I feel wrapped up like an Egyptian mummy after a trip to CVS!

At least, though, you haven’t carried your iPad this week.

Things get a little tight when you bring it along and I don’t have room to breathe.

I also wish that you didn’t put me on the floor.

Do you know how dirty floors are?

I prefer being placed (gently) in a chair or on a table.

And, if you wouldn’t mind, please wipe me off with one of those Clorox wipes every once in a while.

They make me feel so fresh and clean!




15 thoughts on “Mask Poem-Musings From My Purse

  1. Alice Nine

    This is delightful!! I am always trying to downsize… and when I do, of course, I need something I left behind. I love visiting Laura’s website. She shares so much good.

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  2. dianeandlynne

    Did you ever watch Seinfeld? George had a wallet in which he kept everything–every receipt, credit card, business cards, etc until it finally exploded one day. Purses really do act as a file cabinet. I like this strategy for poetry writing. Thanks for sharing it.

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  3. Leigh Anne Eck

    i laughed out loud at the 20 different pens! I have never counted them, but I am sure I’m up there too! I love Laura! She skyped with a summer writing group of elementary kids for two summers – she is so wonderful! You ought to try a riddleku – those are fun too!

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