Dear Kindle #sol17


This week’s post was inspired by a prompt posted during Teachers Write in 2016.  In the prompt, Erica Perl suggested writing a letter to an inanimate object (click here to check out that prompt).  So I thought I’d write a letter to my Kindle since I haven’t had many opportunities to curl up with it in the last few days.

Dear Kindle,

I know that I have been neglecting you.  Believe me, I’ve missed spending time with you! There are so many books that I haven’t had a chance to finish along with several samples that I haven’t gotten around to purchasing.  There you are, though, sitting on the nightstand with a fully charged battery, just waiting patiently for me to open your dusty cover.

However, I am now enjoying my Thanksgiving break and I anticipate many delightful hours of reading with you.  I even stopped by the store earlier this evening and bought an Amazon gift card so that I can add books to your library.  Your battery is charged, I dusted off your cover, and we’re ready to go!

So, Kindle, be prepared for some epic reading marathons.  Be prepared to stay up late.  and get a workout this week.  Be prepared to download all kinds of books, from children’s literature to history and biography to the cozy mysteries that I can’t seem to resist.  Be prepared to collect a lot of fingerprints as I swipe the pages.  Trust me, you’ll be more than ready for me to return to school next Monday!



2 thoughts on “Dear Kindle #sol17

  1. theapplesinmyorchard

    This is a fun post and one I will have to remember to try for myself. My Nook has not been touched in months! Too much reading to do for grad school. I am wondering about what other “object” I can write a letter to for my post. Glad you’ll have some time to spend with your Kindle. Happy Thanksgiving!


  2. Diane Anderson (newtreemom)

    My Kindle deserves this letter sometimes, too. Except I get almost all my books from my library’s e-collection and free books and magazines from Prime. My Amazon cards buy books for school- I have spent the last year building a collection of books recommended in Ruth Culhsm’s Dream Wakers (Mentor Texts from Latino Culture).



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